
CreateAppointment(Action<DataError>) Method

When overridden in a derived class, creates a new Infragistics.Scheduler.Appointment.
public abstract Appointment CreateAppointment( 
   Action<DataError> errorCallback


Delegate which is called if an error occurs.

Return Value

A reference to the new Infragistics.Scheduler.Appointment or null if the operation fails. To receive detailed information about the reson the operation failed, a delegate must be assigned to the errorCallback parameter.

The CreateAppointment method returns a new, uninitialized Infragistics.Scheduler.Appointment instance. This appointment is not associated with the data source until the EndEdit(Appointment,Boolean) method is called; as such, it will not appear in activity queries or in the user interface of an attached Infragistics.Scheduler.Core.Scheduler.

Note that the EndEdit(Appointment,Boolean) method must be called to commit the creation of the new appointment.

Also note that the underlying item source for appointment data must support creation of new objects. Typically this requires that the object expose a parameterless constructor. Derived classes may provide alternative means through which a new data object instance can be created.


Target Platforms: Android 4.4+, iOS 8+

Development Environments: Visual Studio 2015+, Visual Studio for Mac Preview, Xamarin for Visual Studio 4.2+

See Also